Thabo Seopa, chairman of AfriGIS
Our business was founded in 1997 but the industry’s roots go back to the 1960s.
Research indicates the global GIS market is expected to grow from just over $2.9bn to a little over $4.1bn from 2022 to 2028. More businesses continue to realise the power of getting science-based answers that help to transform their biggest challenges into competitive advantage.
Many South African household brand names are among our customers. GIS really got its start in South Africa at the banks but today, regardless of industry, they are using the power of visualising data on maps to help them with operational challenges, to improve profitability, and provide exciting new customer experiences that offer a competitive edge.
We want to thank our AfriGIS team and each and every one of our clients who have taken this journey with us in part, or in full, for their support.
We also want to thank the global industry, with many of whom we work, for their collaboration and friendship.
We look forward to the next quarter of a century and the exciting avenues down which geospatial science will travel.
About AfriGIS
AfriGIS is the leading Geospatial Information Science company in Southern Africa that specialises in location-sensitive data and solutions. It provides customers across the board with a suite of web-based tools and APIs to connect to, enhance, and enrich their own data with location intelligence, insights, and trusted data. The organisation was founded in 1997 and celebrates 25 years in business this year. It is a level 1-certified broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) business, with more than 100 employees, in Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town in South Africa, Dublin in Ireland, and Dhaka in Bangladesh.