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Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.
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Worx Group renews 3 year contract with Standard Bank
Worx Group, a full-service experiential marketing agency, is excited to announce the renewal of its three-year contract with Standard Bank 19 Jul 2024 Read more

Worx Group and Salesforce collaborate for a successful World Tour Essentials Johannesburg
In the world of event management and experiential marketing, time is a limited resource. A keen eye is needed to capture opportunities for exceptional outcomes. Salesforce, a leading provider of cloud-based software, hosts numerous events worldwide, each of which demands careful and thorough planning and flawless execution to meet the company's business objectives. 18 Jul 2024 Read more

Level 1 allowances and the opportunity of in-person events
Live or face-to-face event experiences are a reality again. 22 Oct 2021 Read more

Beware the charlatans, focus on your clients and team
It's old news now that the eventing industry got absolutely smashed by lockdowns. Our business was no exception. After reeling for weeks and dismissing it as 'just a short-term thing', we soon realised this wasn't a blip but a very real, long-term challenge. 23 Jun 2021 Read more

Rapid antigen testing and the return to in-person events
As the world starts to get a grip on the pandemic, even though we see a delayed roll out of vaccines in South Africa, we need to discuss the safety of in-person and hybrid events for both guests and the corporates that host them. 10 Jun 2021 Read more

Lockdowns shut many doors, but opportunity is now knocking
It began just over a year ago - it was chaotic and totally unexpected. It took us all a little bit of time to adapt, to overcome the initial shock and start to work a new path. At Worx Group, we quickly adjusted our in-person live events strategy to focus on digital and virtual offerings and along with some of our trusted technical partners - the journey into the new age of events began. 15 Apr 2021 Read more

Channelling big tech to inspire growth in 2021
I'm increasingly looking to big tech for inspiration for growth for my live and virtual agency. 14 Apr 2021 Read more

From in-person to digital: The Liberty case study
How do you seamlessly match the in-person experience for a large-scale audience who are now connecting through a screen? 11 Mar 2021 Read more

Pace and performance vs process and procedure
If you're heading up an agency, you have no doubt faced two distinct and reoccurring lived client experiences: Pace and performance vs process and procedure. 5 Mar 2021 Read more

"What did you do in 2020?"
Recently we had Jay Shetty - best-selling author of Think Like a Monk and social media mega-star - join us virtually from his Los Angeles home. How cool that we can do that today. The session was genuinely enlightening, but his closing remarks really stuck with me. 17 Dec 2020 Read more

Time for the next step in this virtual journey
Virtual events are no longer the 'new' normal - the time to adapt and shift into the virtual space has come and passed as the world has dealt with Covid-19 and all that it brought with it, delivering us into a time where virtual, or at least hybrid, is now our normal. It's a part of our lives as event organisers and marketers, and the passport to a whole new service offering for our clients. It's an exciting time! 29 Sep 2020 Read more

Worx Group launches Covid-19 'Pay it Forward' campaign
Worx Group, a Johannesburg-based marketing and events agency, believes that as much as 2020 will stand out because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it will be remembered equally for the incredible acts of human kindness and generosity that South Africans have shown through this difficult time. 26 May 2020 Read more

Worx Group reveals new website and social media branding
Johannesburg-based leading events and marketing agency Worx Group reveals new website and social media branding. The refurb was implemented to accurately position the events industry in the minds of clients for what it is, where it is and where it is going. This serves as a reflection of how Worx Group believes events and live experiences should be seen in today's hyperconnected and experience-focused marketing landscape. 2 Oct 2019 Read more

The creative dilemma: Pitching in a world that sets you up for failure
The pitching process: a delicate dance between client and agency. It has its steps, its moments of push and pull and, if you're lucky, it ends with a flourish. But both clients and agencies have responsibilities when it comes to pitching and, if these responsibilities aren't taken seriously, projects with the potential for success are instead destined to fail. By mismanaging the process and not having the right people in the right room at the right time, clients step on their partners' toes and run the risk of ruining the entire dance. 23 Aug 2019 Read more

10 things your event planner should know but probably doesn't
What do you expect of a high-quality event planner? Do you expect them to be a clear communicator? Yes, probably. Do you expect them to be able to reverse a delivery truck or manage the audiovisual equipment? No, probably not. There should be other experts for that. When it comes to selecting a professional event planner, knowing what skills and expertise to look out for is a sure way to sift the wheat from the chaff. While the chaff might be able to bartend, the wheat should be able to perform any or all of the following tasks. 2 Aug 2019 Read more

4 essential tips for a successful experiential campaign
Pulling off an experiential campaign, exhibition or activation that turns former strangers into brand ambassadors and boosts your bottom line takes just the right combination of experience, know-how and flair. 30 Jul 2019 Read more

Cybersecurity matters: Here's how to mitigate the risks
Hosting an event gives you access to a considerable amount of personal and financial information - your own and that of your partners, suppliers and delegates - and comes with just as much responsibility. 25 Jul 2019 Read more

Measuring event ROI: Impossible feat or simple process?
If you're responsible for your brand's marketing events and campaigns, you need to know more than how to pull them off without a hitch. 23 Jul 2019 Read more

Fatal flaws: Why experiential marketing campaigns fail
Experiential marketing: at Worx Group, we'll be the first to tell you that it deserves all the hype, and that if it's not part of your marketing strategy you're going to be left behind. 18 Jul 2019 Read more

Experiential marketing is surging: Are you keeping up?
In a world overrun by adverts, promotions and deals promoting every product, service and apparent necessity, it's become almost impossible to filter quality from quantity, value from junk. Our inboxes are flooded with weekly announcements, Google and Facebook exploit our recent searches for advertising purposes, and our phones buzz constantly with another marketer who's found access to our numbers. 16 Jul 2019 Read more

Find your niche: Why cut-and-paste eventing doesn't work
If you attend an event that you enjoy, you might think it's a good idea to implement exactly the same model the next time you host one yourself. 11 Jul 2019 Read more

How wearable tech adds value to events
When it comes to fitness and entertainment, wearable technology has almost become passé. 9 Jul 2019 Read more

Our top five KPIs to measure your event's success
Gauging whether your event was a success can't be deduced from the number of champagne bottles left over after your closing cocktail party. Instead, it's about looking at the key performance indicators (KPIs) that have been defined in advance, are aligned to your event's strategic objectives, and can be measured using established and reliable systems. 4 Jul 2019 Read more

How and why you need to make wellness part of your events
In the wake of rising incidents of chronic back pain and repetitive strain injuries, not to mention debilitating levels of stress and anxiety, wellness in the workplace has been gaining momentum for years. 2 Jul 2019 Read more

Top 5 ways to market your event on a shoestring
When it comes to pulling off a successful event, it goes without saying that you simply can't neglect your marketing. After all, there's not much use in putting months of hard work into creating an event that's dynamic and impactful if there's no one there to attend it. 28 Jun 2019 Read more

Creating event content that matters
Before you host an event, you need to be able to answer the following questions clearly and succinctly. Why have you decided to hold your event? What key messages do you want to communicate? How do these messages fit in with your organisation's larger values, vision and goals? And what means are you going to use to ensure that you impart these messages effectively to your audience? 14 May 2019 Read more

Should you use influencer marketing for your next event?
The exponential rise of social media has resulted in a similarly exponential rise of people who know how to work it - really work it. 13 May 2019 Read more

Simulcast conferences - thoughts from our MD
The Leadercast 2018 Lead Yourself Conference is the world's largest one-day leadership event, but it's completely simulcast each time it happens, which means that 100,000 attendees can participate at over 700 locations in 20 countries, all tuning into the same feed of content no matter where they are. 10 May 2019 Read more

Video production: A game changer in events
There's no doubting it: video isn't going anywhere. As time becomes an ever-scarcer commodity and attention spans continue to decline, video allows for information to be communicated quickly, succinctly and directly to a specific audience. And it's effective, too: targeted, scripted, high-quality video content not only educates and entertains, it also sparks conversation, debate and new ideas. 23 Apr 2019 Read more

Event design: What you need to know
Think about the most impressive event you've ever attended. What made it so memorable? Was it the quality of the content? The attention to detail? The networking opportunities it offered? Or was it simply that it met - and exceeded - your expectations in every way? 18 Apr 2019 Read more

7 things to avoid when planning a virtual event
Wondering why virtual events work? The digital age has done for the events industry what no other era could ever do - and that is to strip away our boundaries to access. 16 Apr 2019 Read more

5 tips for organising an event from across the world
Organising an international event can be an exhilarating experience. It's an opportunity to spread your eventing wings, to overcome unprecedented challenges and to prove your mettle to your clients. 12 Apr 2019 Read more

Best practice for levelling up your events
The event industry is dynamic and continues to evolve. We're seeing rapid growth in different trends and we've adopted some of these trends and work on implementing them in our strategies. 1 Feb 2019 Read more

Meet the family: Mpho, Tumi and Bonolo join Worx Group
After years of friendship and working together, we are thrilled to announce that we have officially taken our relationship with top SA comedian Mpho "Popps" Modikoane and entrepreneur and influencer Tumi Mohale to the next level! 18 Dec 2018 Read more

Best social media practice for live events
Eventing marketing and social media have become synonymous in the world we live in today. With the rise of the unconference changing the traditional way of eventing all together, event planners need to be clear about what they want to communicate to their event attendees and those following them online. 12 Dec 2018 Read more

Technology and the events industry
Earlier this year we put together an event trends e-book with six core trends predictions that would dominate the events industry in 2018. 11 Dec 2018 Read more

Green events: Rookie mistakes to avoid
We're seeing more and more event planners trying to adopt the practice of 'green eventing'. More popular than ever, environmentally conscious events are certainly in vogue in our industry at the moment, and yet we've seen that many event planners don't actually know how to differentiate between what can be considered an authentically green event, and what can't. 7 Dec 2018 Read more

Entering an event professional mindset
Enthusiastic, punctual, able to think on your feet, and endlessly organised - these are just some of the assets that make a really fantastic events planner. 5 Dec 2018 Read more

The truths that no one tells you about being an event planner
We're often faced with enthusiastic, fresh-faced young business professionals looking to get into the business of eventing, and it's encouraging to see people keen to dive into our world. 3 Dec 2018 Read more

The rise of the unconference
In a time of growing input from guests, ever-increasing pressure to create incredible content, an expectation of the newest trends, and a clear demand for ample networking opportunities, throwing together a conference just really isn't good enough anymore. 29 Nov 2018 Read more

Worx Group's top tips for working with a difficult venue
When you're a bride searching for the perfect venue to host your big day, there's often a moment of pure joy when, after inevitably trawling every hall, garden, church, country club and farmyard, you finally find 'the one'. And as event managers, sometimes our job can be a little like being a bride every single day. Because we at Worx Group believe in going the extra mile for our clients to deliver the very best experience possible, we work hard to bypass the boring and find a venue that really speaks to our client's specific needs and vision, and when we find that perfect venue, there's definitely a moment of bridal exhilaration. 26 Nov 2018 Read more

Want to host a great event and save money? Hire an events company
There's no denying that South Africa is going through a period of economic insecurity, and as the budgets get tighter and the list of demands longer, we're finding ourselves being increasingly faced with one question from our clients: 23 Nov 2018 Read more

Offsetting your most expensive event must-haves
As event managers, we all have dreams of an endless budget, but in reality, that's seldom (okay, never) the case. So, because it's imperative to us that our clients receive the very best event and the very greatest experience that their money can buy, a huge part of our job is creating that endless-budget-wow factor, but within our financial limits. Luckily, our years in the field means that we're experts at doing just that, and when you know what your most expensive must-haves are, you can build your budget around them. 21 Nov 2018 Read more

How to use social media to promote your event
Social media has gone from being a personal networking tool between close friends and family, to a mandatory tool for all businesses. Today, social media is a must-have for anyone aiming to take their company to the next level of audience engagement, feedback, and exposure while expanding opportunities to make revenue. In the events industry, this matters because we deal with people every day and if socialising is an inherent part of our jobs, then being well versed and up-to-date with the world of social is a must. But, with so many different platforms and ideas out there, where do we even start? 13 Nov 2018 Read more

5 tips to boost networking at your next event
Event planners are challenged now more than ever to #bringbacknetworking and make it great again! If this sounds like a campaign, that's probably because it is. Networking has received a bad rep over the past few years and this could be because its purpose isn't always clear, and guests genuinely do not know how to network effectively, but event experts can change all that. Here are our tips to boost networking at your events. 9 Nov 2018 Read more

Mpho 'Popps' and Tumi Mohale join Worx Group family
Worx Group is thrilled to announce that we have officially deepened and formalised our relationship with top SA comedian Mpho "Popps" Modikoane and his sister and manager, Tumi Mohale. 1 Oct 2018 Read more

The after-party: Essential things to do after your event
Curtain down, guests departed, event wrapped... The perfect time to put your feet up and relax, right? Well, for event planners, not so much. 27 Sep 2018 Read more

Planning a fundraiser: What you need to know
Since we first started our business, we've been lucky enough to be involved with some incredible charitable causes. From golf days to comedy events, live performances to days outside, we've found that special events aren't just the most successful way of fundraising, they can genuinely be the most fun and engaging, too. There are so many ways to raise money for a great cause, but while social media challenges and text campaigns might seem like a step into the modern world, nothing beats the benefits of meeting with your potential donors face to face. 18 Sep 2018 Read more

Understanding event return on investment (ROI)
When it comes to eventing, calculating event return on investment (ROI) can be complicated. It's understandable that today's event planners are increasingly being asked about ROI by their clients and team leaders, but it seems there's no one clear way to track it, and many event planners don't know where to start - or, in fact, what event ROI even means. 18 Sep 2018 Read more

Event budgeting: Common event budgeting mistakes
As event planners, our budget is our best friend. With so many of the most classic event mistakes being related to bad budgeting, we know that having a solid, well thought through, comprehensive budget is absolutely key to staying on track and ensuring that your event goes off without a hitch. Here, we discuss some of the most common event budgeting mistakes, and how to avoid them. 12 Sep 2018 Read more

How to use social media to promote your event
Social media has gone from being a personal networking tool between close friends and family, to a mandatory tool for all businesses. 10 Sep 2018 Read more

Learning from negative event feedback
Remember, people need (and deserve) to be heard. If it's clear to an attendee that you've heard them and taken their negative event feedback seriously, they're much less likely to kick up a bigger fuss. Unhappy people can be demanding and may require you to adjust the way you normally communicate in order to fit their needs but think of it as experience gained - the more you practice communicating, the better you'll become at it. 27 Aug 2018 Read more

Speaker management 101
For as long as there have been events, there have been event managers and there have been event speakers. 23 Aug 2018 Read more

Problem-solving at events
The events industry is filled with surprises - some good and some bad. In a previous blog we gave you tips on how to avoid the obvious mistakes that event planners often experience, but what happens when contingent disasters strike? 14 Aug 2018 Read more

The ultimate intro to event gamification
There's no getting around it: gaming is everywhere. From entire communities playing in virtual worlds online, to everyone from grandmothers to toddlers navigating mobile games in their spare moments, the world of gaming commands increased engagement globally, and businesses are sitting up to take notice - including ours. 16 Jul 2018 Read more

Event budgeting: Making informed budget estimates
When you're deep in the excitement of planning a new event, sometimes the last thing you want to have to think about is the B word... Budget. We get it: Nothing puts a damper on big dreams, big ideas, and big plans quite like a limited budget, but there's no denying that developing a budget (and then sticking to it!) is key to having a successful event. After all, you don't want to book a huge act to perform, only to find that you've blown the budget and now don't have anything left to spend on things like a venue and food - definite Event Must-Haves. 10 Jul 2018 Read more

The biggest event fails to avoid
We've said it before, and we'll say it again: when you're in the event planning business, things go wrong. It's unavoidable - live events carry uncontrollable factors so there's always an element of potential unpredictability, so we've learnt to take these factors in our stride and think on our feet when those unavoidable mishaps do crop up. But, what about the avoidable ones? 6 Jul 2018 Read more

8 tactics to make your event greener
Greener eventing has been one of the major trends we've picked up on in 2018, and we understand its significance: being conscious of your impact on the environment is important and is something close to our hearts. Even though it might not necessarily be your cheapest choice when it comes to budgeting, we think that conscious eventing is imperative and is going to become more and more important into the future. 26 Jun 2018 Read more

The importance of building strong relationships with event suppliers
When you've been in the industry for over 20 years, you learn again and again the importance of building and maintaining good relationships. This doesn't just apply to your clients but extends to your suppliers - especially if you plan to offer a reliable service or product that sets you apart from your competition. So, it's good to have numbers in your little black book that you know and trust to deliver - and make sure you're maintaining these relationships so that they always answer when you call. As event planners (and so, in many situations a 'middleman'), we know that you live and die on the service offering of suppliers, so at Worx Group, our approach has always been to build real partnerships with our trusted suppliers, and we've found that this benefits us in more ways than we can mention. 25 Jun 2018 Read more

Time-saving hacks for event planners
Event planners all over the world could do with a bit more of two things: time and money, and while we've tried to help with the latter here we'll be talking a little bit about the former. As great as having an abundance of time to plan an event would be, in most cases we find that ample lead time and manageable timelines are more best-case scenarios than actual realities. 21 Jun 2018 Read more

Professional MCs - They're worth it
Here's a little insight - you'd probably be surprised by how often we're faced with a situation where somebody who has no experience as a Master of Ceremonies decides that they can pull off the job. And while there have been a few occasions where we've been pleasantly surprised by the hidden presenting talents of our guests, MC-ing in general is far more complex a skill than most people assume. 30 May 2018 Read more

Why a great AV tech supplier can be the key to success
We've all been there: you're in the throes of planning a big event, the budget is feeling a little tight, and you're searching for a good place to cut costs. With your eyes scrolling over the budget, you come across a line: AV tech supplier. Hang on, why are you paying an AV tech supplier? The venue will definitely have a PA system, and using that is pretty much the same thing, right? 25 May 2018 Read more

Worx Group young talent: Meet Thato and Merveille
In our last blog post we caught up with two young talents from our shop to find out how entering the workforce at a young age has challenged and influenced them. Here, we're going on to chat with two other young talents in our shop, Thato and Merveille. Read about their experiences below. 24 May 2018 Read more

Worx Group young talent: Meet Chandelle and Abigail
Internship programmes continue to assist in bridging the gap for graduates and individuals entering the workforce for the very first time. Not only does it equip them with the skills to do practical work, but it prepares them to operate in a working environment in a professional and ethical manner. 22 May 2018 Read more

Event must-haves vs event nice-to-have
When you're starting to plan your next big event, things can get overwhelming. With so many choices to take into account, decisions to make, factors to consider, and balls to keep in the air, even the smallest of details can feel like a huge deal. 18 May 2018 Read more

The power of unconventional venues
For the modern-day event planner, unconventional eventing is an undeniable trend in the future. Done with a strategy that aims to produce an experience where guests proactively engage with organisers (either directly or indirectly), the setup in this form of event planning is key in determining whether your guests will be able to engage and experience the event like never before. Gone are the days where guests attended events to merely consume information for long periods of time in a conference hall at a generic hotel - contrary to popular belief, the real eventing magic happens outside the boardroom, and choosing an edgy venue is a big part of making that magic happen... 14 May 2018 Read more

Event budgeting: The basics
When you're planning an event for the first time, few things are more daunting than putting together your first budget. To help you get started, our team of event planning experts put together some tips to make you an event budgeting machine in no time. 11 May 2018 Read more

Event budgeting: Money saving tips
There's always a great thrill in planning corporate events, but once budget talks are on the table, the excitement tends to die down. With brands commanding increasing ROI and returns, we've got a few tips that will help to ensure savvy budget expenditure when planning your event... 9 May 2018 Read more

Using technology to personalise your event experience
We're well into 2018, and when it comes to event trends for this year, it's no surprise that we're seeing 'personalisation' popping up again and again. 7 May 2018 Read more

How to define your event goals and objectives
Event planning has become more than just organising get-togethers that people will enjoy. Yes, that's obviously important, but to keep a finger on the pulse in an ever-evolving industry, you need a sound strategy. And while the word strategy may sound intimidating, it simply means being considerate of your event objectives and its impact on your business/brand. 4 May 2018 Read more

Turning event guests into brand ambassadors
In today's event climate, we've already established that the growing experience economy means that there are more events than ever before for guests to attend, and getting them to select yours from the pack is a huge step - but, unfortunately, it's really only half the battle. Everyone can consider their event guests to be fans, but the real strength comes in when you convert those fans into actual brand ambassadors. 2 May 2018 Read more

Creating more inclusive events
In the past, planning an event usually meant structuring it around the message that your team was hoping to get across, while focusing on aspects like brand personality and business objectives. 30 Apr 2018 Read more

How to develop a winning content strategy
If you're organising an event, chances are you'll have access to a fair amount of content, which you may have spent weeks or months putting together to create the perfect experience for your event guests. But what happens to that content once the event is done? 25 Apr 2018 Read more

Are you a born events planner?
From award ceremonies to concerts and even office year-end functions, the lifestyle of an events planner can be seen from the outside as a glamorous job where you're essentially paid to throw parties. 23 Apr 2018 Read more

The art of the site visit
If you ask any experienced event planner what items top their event to-do list, we can guarantee that finding a suitable venue will be right near the top. 20 Apr 2018 Read more

The perfect event brief
Punctual, organised, creative: these are some of the qualities commonly used to describe an exceptional event planner. However, the qualities of an event planner can really only go so far in making magic - while organisation and creativity might make up 50% of an event's success rate, the other 50% is in the hands of the event host. So, how do you as an event host take control and deliver your 50% as easily as possible? With the perfect event brief. 18 Apr 2018 Read more

What is The Experience Economy?
"Goods and services are no longer enough." Way back in 1999, this sentence was the reading line (following the book's subtitle) that accompanied the original hardbound edition of The Experience Economy, a book written by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, describing what they believed would be the next economy to shape the way that businesses work. Today, nearly twenty years later, the line remains truer than ever before, with Pine and Gilmore's theory standing strong in the modern-day events industry. 20 Feb 2018 Read more

Five ways to ensure your attendees have FOMO about your next event
It takes a lot of work to properly understand why people attend your event and engage with them in a way that makes them not want to miss your next event. Jessica MacRoberts shares five actions that make this easier. 19 Feb 2018 Read more

What not to do when planning an event
Stress is an almost unavoidable aspect of planning any large-scale event, and at times a little bit of stress can actually be helpful in improving our ability to think under pressure, make clear decisions, and respond to problems quickly and efficiently. With that said, a competent event manager will always look to mitigate on-the-ground stress by recognising all the potential things that could go wrong, and planning for them in advance. 16 Feb 2018 Read more

Four questions to guide your event planning
Events are a powerful way to showcase your brand, so your brand values must be at the core of your planning. Jessica MacRoberts, MD of Worx Group, outlines the key questions you should be asking. 13 Feb 2018 Read more

Thuto Masihleho - From events intern to project coordinator
There are few things that inspire us more than getting to watch one of our interns grow and embrace every opportunity to experience new things. With interns being central to our passion for development and learning, we're driven by how their fresh ideas and outlooks keep us moving forward, and how we learn just as much from them as they learn from us. 22 Sep 2017 Read more

Year-end events - should you bother?
It's that time of year, just past the half-past mark, where the inevitable question arises at the boardroom table: “What are we going to do for our year-end event this year?” 24 Aug 2017 Read more

The real value of exhibitions
We've all experienced exhibitions in a professional space. The question you should be asking yourself about big-ticket activations is whether your company gets real value from them? If you're thinking of presenting your business in exhibitions, there are a few factors you should consider. Grant Waites, our head of ACTIVE (Worx Group's unit focused on activations, exhibitions, sponsorships and sports), breaks them down. 27 Jul 2017 Read more

Worx Group welcomes Selz Vision as 2017 IMPACT Enterprise Development Partner
Worx Group is pleased to announce that Tlakale Somo, owner at Selz Vision, has agreed to join us as our 2017 IMPACT Enterprise Development Partner. 28 Jun 2017 Read more

Worx Group and Oak House Vocational Academy trial work experience pilot programme
Education is incredibly important to Worx Group, so when a fantastic opportunity came along to initiate a pilot programme with Oak House Vocational Academy as part of our IMPACT programme, we were eager to get on board. 26 Jun 2017 Read more

Thato Selau - From design intern to junior designer
We've always been passionate about the interns we take on and the imperative roles that we feel they play in our business. By having interns as an integrated part of our team, we love the opportunities that arise for us to learn just as much from them as we teach them every day, and how their fresh ideas and outlooks help to keep us on our feet and moving forward constantly. 28 Mar 2017 Read more

Worx Group achieves Level 2 BBBEE status
Worx Group has concluded a corporate restructure that sees its empowerment rating improve to Level 2 while significantly enhancing its transformational plans, and is expected to have a profoundly positive influence on the company's community in the years ahead. 13 Feb 2017 Read more

Applications open: IMPACT enterprise development programme 2017
As part of our ongoing transformational plans, Worx Group is now accepting applications for our 2017 IMPACT enterprise development programme. Think you're the right team for the spot? Send through your application here. 11 Nov 2016 Read more

Kim and Jess - our lionesses of Africa
With the Lionesses of Africa conference having just taken place in Joburg, we turned our gaze inwards and took the opportunity to look at the two lionesses at the head of our pride, Chief Growth Officer Kim Winstanley and Managing Director Jessica MacRoberts, and what makes them an exceptional entrepreneurial team. As a conference that is run by women entrepreneurs, for women entrepreneurs, and with the vision of empowering women entrepreneurs, both Kim and Jess jumped at the opportunity to work on this incredible project as professional conference organisers. 31 Oct 2016 Read more

The Worx Group enterprise development programme
When an opportunity comes along to help out in a new company with great potential, we jump at the chance to get involved. Our Impact enterprise development programme is about doing just that, and through our work with young entrepreneurs, we're excited by the opportunities that we've shared with these budding businesses and the impact that they, in turn, will have on us, our clients, and our industry. 13 Oct 2016 Read more

Outdoor events: Rocky's recommendations
There's no one you'd rather have on your side when you're planning an outdoor project than our new on-site and logistics team leader, Rocky. Rock-star shared his thoughts on what to keep in mind when embracing the opportunity to host your event outdoors, and how thorough planning can make a fresh air venue your best friend. Our experiences with large-scale outdoor events over the years have helped us to develop into meticulous planners rather than chaos managers, meaning that being outdoors is far more about potential opportunities for triumph than opportunities for disaster. 12 Oct 2016 Read more

Keeping the energy up - Kim's five top tips
When you're running an event or a roadshow over a few weeks or even months, keeping the energy up is key, but it's not always easy. We know that each event we run is only as good as its crew and suppliers, which is why it's crucial that we work together to ensure that everyone is always on top of their game. Having just completed a roadshow that spanned nine provinces, 15,000kms, 82 sessions, 15 venues, and 24,000 delegates over 56 days on site, our Chief Growth Officer, Kim, knows all about this. As the undisputed authority on enthusiasm, she talked us through her five top tips for keeping your team energised and on the ball, no matter how long you're on the road. 10 Oct 2016 Read more

Taking your team away? Here's what to remember...
We recently took the opportunity to spend a little time out of the office as a team for our annual breakaways. Whether we're planning a breakaway for our clients or for ourselves, the same principles apply - for a diverse and talented team, it's less about taking them somewhere that'll look great in photos, and more about creating real value for them, as employees and as individuals. Although, the great photos we got were an added bonus! 7 Oct 2016 Read more

Opportunity everywhere: ICC annual meeting
Since we first opened our doors, we've taken on projects of all shapes and sizes. From visually large but technically small conferences to complex, multifaceted gatherings, we're proud of our ability to face each new project with enthusiasm and professionalism, no matter the scale. In the middle of 2015, we were awarded the contract to be at the forefront of organising the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission Annual Meeting in South Africa, proudly hosted by Standard Bank. As with any big project, the scale and the diversity of the project made for interesting and complex challenges, and we're incredibly proud of how our team worked together to make it happen. 6 Oct 2016 Read more

The Worx Group internship programme
There's no denying the importance of internships in business today. Over the past 15 years, internships have been increasingly highlighted as integral in developing not only individual careers and businesses, but also in shaping the economy. By building work forces from the internship up, the number of skilled applicants at entry level has increased, improving quality of work and cutting down basic training time for companies. With interns able to improve their experience levels from the get-go, and companies able to develop talent that understands how their business works, it's a win-win situation - and an opportunity that we're really excited to be involved in. 5 Oct 2016 Read more

New team leader for on-site and logistics - Rocky Phiri
The Worx Group is incredibly proud to announce that Rocky Phiri has been promoted to the position of team leader for on-site and logistics. 4 Oct 2016 Read more

New design team leader - Gerrit Breitenbach
We're proud to announce that Gerrit Breitenbach, who has been a part of the Worx Group family for the past two years, has been promoted to the position of design team leader. 6 Jul 2016 Read more

Finance and admin manager wanted
Whilst the company is an equal opportunity employer employment equity candidates will be preferred for this position. 10 Feb 2016 Read more

Worx Group is in the market for fresh, young talent!
Incubate is an internal unit of the Worx Group, dedicated to finding, growing and producing great young talent for our evolving team. This unit is committed to our transformational goals from which our internship programme, amongst others, is driven. 5 Feb 2016 Read more

Welcome to the new campaign, Appetite for Good! Support this cause and walk for someone who can't
Over the years Worx Group has quietly found ways to involve ourselves in small ways in our community. We like to believe we have made a difference in our small individual ways. 22 May 2015 Read more

Eventworx evolves into The Worx Group
After more than a decade of building a solid business based on carefully thought-out events, Eventworx has evolved into The Worx Group. The rebrand is effective immediately. 4 Nov 2014 Read more