Establishment of small business advisory body approved

Cabinet has approved the establishment of an advisory body within the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) that will ensure representation and promotion of the interest of small enterprises.
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The establishment of an advisory body is prescribed by the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996), as amended.

Briefing the media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday, Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said the establishment of an advisory body is to ensure representation and promotion of the interest of small enterprises as contemplated in the National Strategy for the Development and Promotion of Small Enterprises in South Africa.

“The primary function of the advisory body will be to advise the Minister [of the DSBD] on broad areas that affect small enterprise growth, including national standards pertaining to small enterprise development and regulation.

“The advisory body will provide government with evidence-based expert advice on the functioning of various aspects of the small enterprise support ecosystem to enable more effective policy reforms, legislative amendments, and design of interventions to support micro, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives,” Ntshavheni said at Thursday’s briefing.

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